Fly Tying Dubbing Material
Dubbing is a type of material that is commonly used in fly tying to create the bodies of fly patterns. It is a soft, fluffy substance that is made from a variety of materials including synthetic fibers, animal hairs, and natural fibers such as wool or silk. Dubbing is used to create a variety of fly patterns, including nymphs, dry flies, and wet flies.
Dubbing is applied to the hook shank using a dubbing needle or a dubbing spinner, and it can be manipulated to create a variety of different effects. Dubbing is a popular choice among fly tyers due to its versatility and the wide range of materials and colors available. It is also relatively easy to work.
Sempefli Kapok Dubbing
Kapok Dubbing is the ultimate in dubbing for your fishing flies as it is very buoyant – indeed it is known as life jackets for flies! Kapok is a na...
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