Indicators & Weights
In fly fishing, indicators and weights are used to help present the fly and get it down to the desired depth in the water. Indicators are small, brightly colored devices that are attached to the fly line and used to help the angler detect when a fish takes the fly. They can be made from a variety of materials including foam, cork, or plastic, and they come in a range of sizes and colors to suit different fishing situations.
Weights are small, heavy objects that are attached to the fly line to help get the fly down to the desired depth in the water. They can be made from a variety of materials including lead, tungsten, or brass, and they are available in a range of sizes and shapes to suit different fishing situations. Weights can be used to help the fly get down to the bottom in fast-moving water or to get it down to the desired depth in stillwater fishing.
Weights are important tools in fly fishing and can be used to help present the fly in a natural and effective manner.
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There are no small parts to fumble and lose. It's streamlined design is centered on the line for balanced casting. There is no exposed fastening ...
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