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Lamson Fly Reels - Golden Fly Shop

Lamson Fly Reels

Lamson reels are known for their precision quality engineering, meaning that fishing enthusiasts can enjoy a smooth and enjoyable experience on any outing. The reels boast an ergonomic design with balanced proportions and lightweight materials, which ensures comfortable usage even in taxing conditions. Additionally, these reels come with an unsurpassed corrosion resistance coating to ensure longevity of use - a welcome feature to any serious fisher. With all the dependable features offered by Lamson reels, they are absolutely the go-to choice for any fisherman who demands precision and reliability.

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What types of Lamson fly fishing reels are available?

Lamson fly reels are a great option for anglers of all skill levels. With unique designs built with top-of-the-line components and user-friendly designs that are easy to use, there is something for everyone. Whether you’re a professional tournament fisherman or just getting started, the variety of Lamson fly reels allows you to choose the perfect model for your needs. The range includes hard anodized aluminum fly reels that are lightweight and durable, to fully machined models designed to function in the most extreme conditions. Lamson also offers lighter weight and more affordable options that perform just as well as their top-of-the-line models. With a wide selection of sizes, styles, materials, and features, it's easy to find the perfect reel for any situation!


What features should I consider when choosing between fly reels?

When deciding between Lamson fly reels, there are several important features to take into account. Consider size and weight to ensure compatibility with the fishing rod. Look at construction materials and design quality as they can affect ease of use, comfort and overall durability. Check out how easy it is to load line to make sure the reel isn’t unnecessarily complicated. Examine the smoothness of winding behavior so that retrieval is consistent in varying conditions. Moreover, consider the price tag relative to your budget, and make sure the reel is backed with a decent warranty for added peace of mind. With careful consideration of these various attributes, you should find a Lamson reel that satisfies all your needs!


How do I maintain my Lamson reel?

Maintaining a Lamson reel is easy if the right steps are taken. Before and after each fly fishing trip, removing the spool from the frame and rinse it off with warm water. This can help reduce corrosion and keep the reel spinning smoothly. Additionally, use a small brush to clean out any buildup of dust or sand from inside the spool housing. This will help eliminate any catching or grinding when the spool is rotating.. For users who spend large amounts of time in saltwater, regularly lubricating all moving parts with a quality saltwater safe grease or oil will extend the life of your reel. For even greater longevity, consider packing away your Lamson reel in its original case after each use to provide an extra layer of protection from potential damage.

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